How to Remove Damp Smells from your House
A house with rising damp can be unpleasant to live in as well as causing sickness to the occupants. Several things cause damp smell in houses, but mildews are the most common reason. The trick is to know how to remove damp smells. The mixture of darkness, moisture, and lack of air circulation in the house leads to the growth of moulds and mildews. They release foul gasses that attach themselves in the furniture as well as fabrics all around, this is why we, at London Damp Specialists, have put together this guide on how to remove damp smells.
Discovering a Damp Smell in House Areas
Is damp smell in your house making your life unbearable? Below are some ways on how to remove damp smell:
Tip #1:
You first locate where the damp smell is coming from. Once you have located the source, try to remove it if it is possible. It can be a piece of fabric that has fallen on the floorboards which contains moulds. Clean the affected area with clean water and bleach. Don’t forget to open all the windows, cupboards and closets to let in cool fresh air. At times, all it takes to remove the musty smell is a clean circulation of air.
Tip #2:
Lemon is a natural remedy that gives fresh air. You can boil the peels of lemon and use the lemon water to give the lemony fragrance around the house by placing the water where the musty smell is located. You can use a fan to circulate the air or even use a sprayer to spray the lemon solution around the house.
Tip #3:
Placing a plate or a box filled with baking powder in the places affected helps to absorb the foul smell of moulds. Place the box for 24 hours. This process should be repeated after several months. Cat litter can also be used to remove the bad smell: place the cat litter where you store old clothes and furniture, or in the attic, and let it stay there for at least two weeks before replacing it again.
Tip #4:
If the damp smell is coming from fabric, try using diluted white vinegar to wash it or soak the fabric using baking powder. 1 cup of either baking powder or white vinegar is enough to wash a normal load of damp clothes. If a fabric is bleachable then you can use any type of bleach to remove the musty smell. White vinegar, bleach, and baking soda can also be used to clean foul smell in refrigerators, ovens and other appliances that contain mildews; it can also be used to clean shoes and carpets.
Tip #5:
If the smell is coming from the walls try using a washcloth and mix the water with the baking powder to scrub off the moulds will help to absorb the bad smell. Prevent the growth of moulds by replacing all broken leakages. Clean the floor thoroughly with a damp cloth and a bleach to make sure all the dust and humidity is gone this will ensure there won’t be any growth of moulds and mildews,
With the above steps, you have an idea on how to remove any damp smell in your house once it starts, just remember to keep your house well ventilated, and clean all year round to avoid a lot of work.